About Quotie

Save your quotes

Do you need an app that allows you to save all your quotes ? With Quotie you will be able to do it. Save your favorite quotes and always have them with you in this app to stay inspired and motivated.

Find new quotes

Quotie allows you to search for new quotes. Go to the discover section and find new quotes to add to your library.

Turn on notifications

Turn on the notifications and keep you inspired and motivated. Chose the day and the time you prefer to recibe the quotes

What people think

"I've been collecting quotes since I was 10, and had a number of various handwritten and digital collections over the years. I had been looking for an app that would help me to bring them all into one place, but until Quotie Pro no such app really existed..."
"Very fast and easy to use. I save a lot of quotes from my reading and this app is by far the best solution I have ever found..."
"Fresh and clean design. It's great to be able to see long quotes without having them cut off..."

Find the best quotes

We made a selection of the best quotes for you!

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We value and appreciate your compliments, suggestions or complaints in order to improve Quotie Pro and the way we communicate.
